Tuesday, 28 January 2014

On 07:00 by Unknown   1 comment

MONEY: Like the legend say, money is everything in this world. If your mind is that maybe the girl will pay, then just stop going on the date in the first place. As much as we’ve learnt, Ghanaian girls (most, about 99%) don’t even offer to pay than to be willing to pay. Just make sure, you go to a decent place (within your pocket) where you can afford everything and calculate ahead before. Some girls can embarrass you by eating more than they can and even take some home or simply making you pay more just as a test to see if you got it (MONEY).

HAVE A CAR: They say first appearance is everything, and of course it’s everything to the Ghanaian girl too. If you have a flashy car or a couple of cars, try go with the best or try ask your dad to take his car out on the date. Because it will save you a lot and even aid you about 50% before you get to talk. Ghanaian girls love cars, guys with flashy cars always win. Thinking about Taxi, the girl might even run off and some girls might even ask if you have a car before accepting to go out with you anyway. I thought I told you money talks right? :). If you don’t have a car try stick to the hood girl in your area, might be the best decision you ever made.

SMELL GOOD: Girls of today are very observant and know a smart man, this is a general dating rule, you must prepare for that day, you must smell your best, in my case, I sometimes mix perfumes so not to get the exact scent as most girls almost know how all the perfumes in the world smell. The moment you get that comment, ‘you smell good’ you know you your one leg is already on the road. It is very important.

DRESS WELL: This is a universal code, it’s your first day, make it count. Most womanizers will tell you that women love men who dress well. Fashion is very important, don’t dress like 50 Cent back in the 2000′s. Get yourself a nice suit if possible or nice shirt, tack in and dress as nice as you can. Leave no loose ends. After you get the girl, you can wear boxers shorts all day and I’m not sure she will mind.

HUMOR: I have this personal saying which goes like ‘if I can make you laugh, I can make you love me’. Humor is very important. You are probably going to sit down for an hour or two with somebody you are meeting for the first time, you need to be observing and jovial. Everybody likes to laugh, crack some jokes (not sex jokes, well unless she brings it). Ghanaians girls (most) are uptight and even if they like you, they won’t make it obvious, humor is the only thing to get the best out of her. Study her and make things out of your conversations, talk about your personal funny moments. Make her laugh the best you can and she might give you a chance to make her laugh more. If she’s still not laughing, probably your shirt is not nice or you smell bad or maybe you took a taxi :)

1 comment:

  1. Money is a biggest influential factor in attracting people around you. The reason behind this is that, people often assume a person who is rich as powerful. Only a person with some values can give others something useful and in return he gets the money. People who are poor are supposed to have no value for which money can be traded.

    Jimmie Menon
    Payroll Services Guelph
