Tuesday 29 April 2014

On 06:00 by Unknown   No comments
I’ve always had a passion for music, in fact I tried to be into music by being a musician. I started off by learning how to make beats which I got close (wasn’t the best) and I knew my way out of it. I tried to rap but my voice sucked, even auto-tune couldn’t help me, yes that is how bad my voice is when it is passed through a mic.
That was when I realized music wasn’t for me. Sometimes we waste too much time following a passion and a dream which is not our path in this world. Our friends contribute to that, sometimes an honest opinion could save lots of time, just show your materials to your friends in disguise and listen to their honest comments.
These days everybody wants to be a musician whether they are talented or not. Many people go into music because of the money and fame that comes with it. But that is not what music is about, music is about talent, passion, creativity, writing skills, composing skills and more.
In the western world, we have the writers, singers, composers, beat makers, people who do mixing and people who do the mastering, In Ghana, it’s only one person who usually does all these, which makes our materials one-way. Because people can rhyme or put together words, they feel they can rap, because people can sing in their mirrors and sound good in their ears, they feel they are ready for the music world.
We have the Efya’s, the Sarkodie’s, the M.anifest’s and more who have been critically acclaimed as the most talented and highly-rated Ghanaian musicians, let’s take a look at the worst rappers and musicians we’ve ever come across who have zero talent to their names. Let’s walk.



It’s all good and fair Keche has seen success in their career thanks to the commercial songs they release. The singer in the Keche group is not bad, but the rapper sucks. All he does is put words together and try to make it rhyme and adds “medaase” to it. I bet everyone can do that. Nevertheless he adds some substance to their songs with his ad lib. LISTEN TO HIS SOLO SONG HERE and tell me honestly if he’s good.



Diamond is a clear example of the people who are into music either for the fame or money but with the kind of music Diamond does, I wonder if she’s even going to get closer to any of the things she seeks. All we can say is, all the best to her in her career.
She needs divine intervention or a straight up miracle from God. LISTEN TO DIAMOND’S SONG “Fylla In Town” and tell us your honest opinion.


There are a few things Wanlov’s sister, Deborah Vanessa is good at and that is, her TV show, taking awesome photos in bikini and her fashion line. When it comes to music, it’s either she was trying or doing it as a hobby or she is plain NOT GOOD at it. She got lucky with her “Uncle Obama” song which coincided with the US presidential elections. Some people can get lucky at times, I guess.



Dee Moneey is alright, just like his former  boss, he’s got nothing special about his style, he’s only good at the business side of it and working with top artistes. I guess he knows how to get by, network and get connected with those that matter to his career. His songs are okay and he shoots good music videos to them but that is just it. Dee Moneey has no special skills.


Musically, there is nothing Sala hasn’t done, she has worked with the finest and shot the best music videos that even top artistes can’t afford to shoot but what is not helping Sala is, she is not meant for this and she is failing no matter how hard she tries. Everybody complains about her voice which sounds piercing to the ears … Ouch!

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I intentionally didn’t use Paedae’s picture. The photo you see above is popular comments on R2Bees’ song “Slow Down” which features Wizkid. I will defend Paedae any day but the general public thinks he’s wack or he spoils songs for the group. The comments above say it all.

funny face


Maybe or maybe not Funny Face is good at his comedy gig, even if he’s not at the peak of it. An advice to Funny Face is, it will be best if he focuses on the one thing he is good at instead of trying to be a jack of all trades. Musically he’s got zero talent, who in the world sings about animals? SMH .. Anyway, I hope he will be reading.



I recently heard that Mimi Divalish was in Nigeria to promote her new song with Selebobo, I would reckon Mimi stop wasting her time on music, the truth is, she sucks, she doesn’t have the voice nor the body to even push forward. She once had a Night Club. I’m sure she will be a good CEO but music, NAH! … LISTEN TO HER NEW SONG HERE, that is if you care.



Opanka has bars and big words that rhymes but that is not all we want in music, we want it all, versatility and Opanka has none. He’s one of those rappers who could pass for freestyles but when it comes to commercial songs, forget it. He’s still trying, we wish him all the best.

juliet ibrahim Kay Dizzle


Juliet Ibrahim once said her first love was music before she switched to movie-making. On the real if her few attempts were what she wanted to do in music, then she made the best decision ever to stick to movies. She has been highly criticized in that section as well. The only thing worth watching about Juliet Ibrahim is probably her big assets and beauty, the rest can pass.



D-Black has been the hustler of every year since the inception of his career. The only thing D-Black is highly skilled in is the business side of music. When it comes to the music itself, sorry D, you are not the best. The truth is, sometimes you don’t have to be the best to win, just be focused and work smart. That is exactly what D-Black is best at.

Did we miss anyone, we would like to know your opinion. 

Source: omgghana


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