Monday, 17 February 2014

On 03:34 by Unknown   No comments

Can a month or two pass by without Ghanaians hearing any controversial issue related to Wanlov? This is one question asked frequently because Wanlov De Kubolor is always entangled in the web of controversy. Today you read a story about Wanlov showing everything on television, tomorrow is about him insulting Jesus on his facebook page and the next minute, it’s him attacking Duncan-Williams and calling high profile personality’s names
So now the question is, why is he always surrounded with contentions when he is making value points? He has answered that and OMG!Ghana.com reports.
According to Wanlov, human beings do not like it when you speak sense, they are happy when you go to the extreme to do what many can’t do. This is the answer he gave when Bra Chef, host of the mid-morning show ‘Burunch2Lunch’ on Radio Univers 105.7 asked ‘so you can speak such ‘sense’ but why do you always attach it with certain comments.”
The father of five stated that “human beings do not react to sense, they react to shock.  So if I just write some nice sense, five or ten people will read it and nobody will call me on his show to ask my opinion about it.”
He added that if he speaks sense people will insult him and say “This guy should shut up. After I showed my thing on TV I’m now coming to speak sense to people”
Using his comment on Archbishop Duncan-Williams as an example, he said “now that I have said something shocking that Duncan-Williams himself is talking about, people are willing to listen to why I did that and they are listening to my sense now”.
So now we all know why Emmanuel Owusu Bonsu aka Wanlov De Kubolor, a member of the music group FOKN Bois is controversial?

Source: omgghana


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