Friday, 28 February 2014

On 10:33 by Unknown   No comments
Hearts of Oaks medical experts ave confirmed to sportscrusaderonline.com that Hearts of Oak’s midfielder Obed Ansah will need about $7,000 to perform surgery on his ankle and knee.
This was disclosed today after the doctors insisted that the midfielder will have to undergo the two separate surgeries to save his playing career.
Obed Ansah who has been out of action for over 7 months due to the recurring ankle and knee injuries has been advised to have surgery to repair the damages.
Obed is expected to have further diagnosis on his ankle and knee when he meets the club’s doctors next Wednesday.
The doctors are yet to determine when surgery will be performed for Obed to save his career.
They have however revealed that each of the surgeries will cost $3,500 with both amounting to $7,000. “Obed Ansah will need surgery if he wants to continue to play football. That is the only option out because the damages cannot easily be corrected through physiotherapy”.
“It could cost up to $7,000 which I believe the club will be willing to pay’ the doctor told sportscrusaderonline.com.
But our checks indicate that Obed could undergo the ankle surgery because he currently feels no pain in the knee.


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